Shabbat Evening
Friday nights at Temple Beth David are very special. Services feature not only beautiful voices but also instrumentation that enriches and adds to our davening. Our Clergy leads beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat (welcoming Shabbat) and Ma'ariv (evening) services mixing new melodies with traditional prayers. Whether you come to Beach Shabbat or our regular Friday night celebrations you will leave with a new spirit and a bit of the Shabbat peace that we create together. Service times vary, please call the temple office for more information.
Shabbat Morning
Our Saturday morning service is a blend of music, learning, worship and celebration. We begin at 9:15 am with the traditional P’sukei D’zimra (verses of song), followed by Shacharit, the morning service. Then we continue with our Torah service, which includes reading the Torah (Five Books of the Torah) and Haftarah (selection from the Prophets) by our Rabbi or various congregants. After the Torah is put away, we share a d'var Torah (word of Torah) linking the weekly Torah portion to current events and what it means to live Jewishly in the 21st century. The Musaf service is led by Rabbi Danielle Bensimhon, who weaves together new and traditional melodies to create vibrant energy. We conclude services by noon and enjoy catching up with our temple family and friends at our Kiddush.
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
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